Jun 10, 2022 Uncategorized

It’s small, it’s blurry, but it’s working. Here’s a proof of concept for playing emulators on a Chromecast which uses the original game kid as an example.

Observe que existem duas telas mostradas na demonstração. Out of focus in the background is the television with the Chromecast displaying the game play. In the foreground is a computer with a browser open which lists off the control setup. Estes são os mapeamentos de botão para um controlador Xbox 360. O emulador é um Javascript Game Kid Emulator. This is loaded on the Chromecast through a basic html file (called the receiver in the repo). The sender — also a basic html file — loads another JavaScript package on the computer which translates the controller’s button presses to keyboard inputs and sends them out to the receiver.

Isso coloca estrelas em nossos olhos sobre hacks de emulador. We’d love to see this boiled down to smartphone and Chromecast as the two pieces of hardware, with the touchscreen as the gaming input.

[via reddit]

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